Finding Strength in Truth, Light and Love...

I want to be clear. This is NOT a plea for sympathy or pity. I find those emotions enormously unproductive. Rather, I ask that you just listen. This is my experience, but I can assure you there are countless others who’ve endured far worse than I. I haven’t been arrested (yet) I haven’t quite lost my job (though dangerously close) and my family, though weary, is still by my side. For nearly two years, we, like so many, have not and will not acknowledge the impostors of lawlessness and moral chaos masquerading as, “the new normal.”

I’ve been a New York educator for over 20 years. However, since June of 2021, I have been removed from my position for daring to defy the mask and testing mandates. I’ve been vilified, shunned, and betrayed. Should I choose to succumb to my employer’s directives, I must undergo a psychiatric screening by a physician of their choice, in order to be “allowed” back to work. My family has been torn to pieces; Each one of us has endured some draconian measure of isolation and abuse as people remain disillusioned and subservient to these mandates posing as law. I’ve been kicked out of medical practices, schools, and shrugged off by law enforcement. I’ve been forced to leave an emergency dentist appointment for my son with special needs for the simple fact that we are physically and mentally intolerant of wearing masks. Collectively, we’ve been ridiculed more times than I can count for daring to breathe on our own volition. In my refusal to surrender to this evil, I continue to be shunned and tortured by the presumptive perceptions of self righteousness and alleged insincerity of personal and religious convictions. These “authorities” have unjustly and unlawfully inferred, defamed and attempted to destroy my character, beliefs and livelihood. I’ve been used by wolves guised as sheep, looking to exploit my story for their own personal and financial gain. Finally, despite several attempts to amicably resolve issues with my employer, I have been told to remain at home if I could not comply with (their words) ‘State Law’. As such, our already limited financial resources have vanished. What was saved for a future has been drained to sustain my family’s basic needs. They are the people I love and cherish most and have since become the ultimate pawns in this epic battle between good and evil.

I remain unpaid, holding onto my position by a thread. It begs the question why I would ever want to return to this abusive environment as the collateral damage caused by my “disobedience” is incomprehensible. Nonetheless, I only ask that they uphold my God given, unalienable rights. Since this has largely not been the case, we’ve had to petition the court for bankruptcy, apply for public assistance, and beg our mortgage company to halt foreclosure proceedings. Needless to say, this isn’t exactly the price I thought we’d have to pay in the name of freedom.

These battles began in August of 2020. My husband and I had just dropped our eldest son off at college for the first time. Trying desperately to avoid a vicarious experience, we’d embrace this right of passage into college life as a must do, no matter how daunting this “new normal” appeared. We were enormously grateful to do so, considering much of the world was still emerging from the seemingly forever enforceable lock downs. Our boy was on his way to get an education and to play ball, or so we thought.

Five days later the phone rang. “Mom, you have to come and pick me up. I had too many people in my dorm room, some were not wearing masks, I’m getting kicked out. Apparently there is a zero tolerance policy for not wearing a mask.” In utter disbelief and summoning the typical response of any parent, I nervously chuckled, “You’re joking right? Please tell me this is a joke.” “No, mom, I was in my dorm room and not socially distant with my mask down.” To no avail, with dozens of calls to parents, coaches, administrators, and campus security, there was nothing we could do to intervene with my son’s “deportation and segregation” to an assigned hotel for quarantined students. Instead of musing about headlines that would read: “Freshman QB runs for 200+ yards”, the local news channels would actually report and even boast: “12 College Students suspended from all campus activities”. We were there 24 hours later to take him home. As punishment for this hideous sin, our son would later spend his first semester of college in his bedroom, behind a screen, ironically disconnected from the world like so many of his peers. These “authorities” would surely make an example of him.

I immediately solicited the advice of a locally distinguished attorney who, in my delusion, thought would believe this was a slam dunk for violations of due process among other things. No such luck. He agreed with many of my assertions, however, given the climate of times, he knew we would more than likely accrue insurmountable legal fees. It was Covid after all, people everywhere were dying from this insidious virus as we’d been led to believe and with little case law, the odds would hardly be in our favor. I appreciated his honesty, took his advice, and off I went.

Regardless of this ordeal, our family managed to overcome this setback. Despite the flagrant and obvious discrimination towards our son, we supported and encouraged him to start anew. To this day, there is a looming veil of retribution for his dastardly crimes against mask wearing and vaccination compliance. The majority of his teammates either willingly or regrettably succumbed to the vaccine mandate. Many of the parents didn’t want their boys to have a bullseye on their backs. At this time, students were rewarded by no masking/no testing if they were vaccinated. Our son was without a doubt, recognizably marked with his yellow star status. Some would argue the insanity of sending him back. I’d agree. But he made a family there in the few short days of his attendance. He loved his coaches, his teammates and he wanted to remain a part of the team so we obliged, after all, what was the alternative?

Our youngest son was not unscathed by “authorities” wielding their swords of injustice. Our kind, curious and unique nine year old boy has stumped the finest physicians and learning specialists money can buy. A true empath, our youngest son connects to people through his understanding of energy and soul, and particularly, to the faces of those he meets. You can imagine what a mask would do to a child of his nature.

Luckily, with the support of his teacher, we’d pushed against the mandates to ensure he was free to breathe and improve his speech and language skills which accordingly, were reported as well below “normal limits”. I’d spend the better part of my days educating colleagues, parents, and even family about the innocuous and pervasive implications of “face coverings”. Despite my tearful pleas, not even our pediatrician of 20 years would write an exemption for him. After all, he might kill grandma, and that wasn’t a risk the doctor was willing to take, especially since he’d announced that his practice would proudly serve as both a vaccination center for the elderly and pediatrician’s office. He certainly couldn’t be writing exemptions while cashing in on huge incentives from the government. It appears they’ve revised the physicians’ “Hippocratic Oath” indeed.

With the help of a friend, we’d learn about Dr. Palevsky, a physician who’s been at the helm of taking down Pharma for the love and protection of all children. To our dismay, Dr. P was no longer accepting patients, however, after waiting several weeks, his nurse practitioner was able to evaluate our little boy, and without question, supported his need for an exemption. I’m certain it comes at no surprise to learn that the school district did what they could to manipulate the exemption, however, this time, there was no backing down.

Our daughters took matters into their own hands. They are two very different personalities, but nonetheless impassioned with moral autonomy and the need to make their own choices. I’d argue their war was with the cruel and now usual punishment of solitary confinement, with days on end spent in quarantine despite my relentless citations of law presented to the Board of Education and every administrator in the district. Perhaps worse than the district’s stringent adherence to mandates was/is my 14 year old daughter’s perception of her embarrassing mother who will stop at nothing to protect her children. While we know she understands and secretly detests these “enforceable policies’’ (according to her worldly views) it doesn’t diminish the fact that she’s angry, and rightfully so. Akin to aviation rules and regulations, I’ve been put on the “no mask list” and have since been visibly absent from every basketball game. She too has been subject to shame as her “vaxxed” friends would openly discuss plans to host their NYC birthday celebrations. However, upon realizing that there was “no room at the inn” for our daughter, they’d find a paltry alternative to ease their conscience. The strain on our relationship is fragile at best. As for our eldest daughter, she chose not to attend college. Vehemently outraged over these policies, she simply refuses to comply with weekly testing and masking as a blaring mark of disobedience and shame. She’s not giving the “authorities’’ an inch of her soul. No yellow star for her.

In regard to my own experience, the Rubicon was crossed on June 7th, 2021, where in my Jerry McGuire moment, I lost all sense of obedience and boldly declared my opposition to the mandates. I had recently returned from “Covid leave” as my underlying health condition would prove to make it exceedingly difficult to teach for seven hours straight, winded, and without proper oxygen. I’d like to add that I am not dead, despite the sinister clutches of the virus’s .008% to destroy me. Nevermind all efforts to separate secular and spiritual beliefs, I found it time to address, at the very least, the clinically and morally indecent aspects of mask wearing. So I wrote a letter to “the powers that be” and informed “them” that I would no longer be taking the directive of Governor Cuomo, an egotistical maniac who was responsible for the murder of over 15,000 elderly people. I truly believed they were leaders who exemplified strong moral character, and, like me, had had enough of muzzling and isolating children. With sincerity and a plea for compassion, I urged that “they” review letters written by Leigh Dundas, a Human Rights activist and attorney whom I deeply admire. Truly, Ms. Dundas (permissibly) took my breath away with her poise and inexplicable accuracy delineating the gravity of these crimes. 

Unfortunately, it didn’t go as I had planned.

A few hours later, the leading union rep called and asked what my intentions were. It was communicated to me that, ‘off the record’ the district administrators wanted to ‘high five me and take me to lunch’, however, if I dared to make the superintendent ‘look bad’ there would be, in so many words, hell to pay.

Boy, was he right.

A full out war was waged against me. As a raging example and microcosm of the totalitarianism we face on a global scale, it has been alleged that my employer has a penchant for doubling down on trouble makers. There are very few that have dared to take them on, and if so, may God be with them. Despite a request to sit and discuss possible options, I never officially heard back from the union representative, nor the superintendent himself, but rather his administrative staff in charge of such circumstances. I wonder if that has anything to do with a covenant formed between the district’s appointed officials and all trustees and beneficiaries (namely parents, students and staff) regarding their oaths of office? Hmm. I suppose time will tell. Those surety bonds certainly do make things difficult for those who deny our basic civil liberties.

The audacity of claiming sovereignty over my mind, body, and soul has resulted in complete and utter emotional, spiritual, and financial destruction. It is difficult to epitomize the trauma and devastation both me and my family have endured, and more acutely since June of 2021. In short, to uphold my career as an educator, I must choose between what lies in between my soul and my responsibilities to provide for my family. Do I suffocate myself, my soul, the breath of life and also bear witness to the abuse of my students in spite of all medical and spiritual affirmations of truth, or do I yield to my conscience and faith? That is, if the psychiatrist of their choice deems me of sound mind through his lawful 913 examination. Apparently the stress they’ve imposed on me is unjustifiable and, according to them, may have rendered me incapable of performing my responsibilities as an educator.

Pay no mind to my 15 years of service to the district, without blemish, or my ability to establish meaningful relationships with my colleagues and students. The district has provided me with what they deem to be reasonable accommodations and by their interpretation of law, are under no obligation to do otherwise which they’ve made abundantly clear. They’ve rejected both medical and religious exemptions, despite extensive documentation to substantiate my claim. Perhaps just a coincidence, I’d learned that the physician who wrote my mask exemption would later rescind it after speaking with the district’s medical officer. I’d also learned that the district presumably felt I threw in a ‘last ditch effort’ at submitting a religious exemption in order to circumvent compliance yet again. My role as an ordained minister, prior to Covid mandates, and a practicing Christian for nearly five decades was and still is completely irrelevant in their eyes.

It is important to point to my physician’s ultimate “Judas” move, the KillShot, if you will. I don’t know when it became customary for physicians to treat patients based on their highly skilled and qualified expertise (in this case, rheumatology) and then later retract (without consent or discussion) after speaking with a colleague of different specialization (in this case, orthopedics). It is also worth mentioning that it was this practice I’ve been banned from (or conveniently offered Telehealth service) for ever saying the word “mask” as the chief physician scolded me with, ‘I don’t ever want to hear the word mask again. It is a national mandate.’ I suppose I should be grateful for this clarity. I’d be hard pressed to solicit services from a medical professional who cannot make the distinction between federal and state regulations, nor would I consider treatment from a physician’s office who would... wait for it, refuse to REWRITE a mask exemption, however, would prefer (and did) prescribe medical marijuana as an alternative to alleviate my symptoms. Nothing to worry about kids. Your teacher is just feeling groovy.

It is difficult to move past the betrayal and blatant disregard for sovereignty. I have always treated my “superiors’’ with kindness and respect. Respect, however, does not constitute falling in line. It isn’t blindly obeying orders or else. After all, that’s what German Military official Adolf Eichmann did. Day after day, he “followed orders” while transporting thousands of Jews and disabled humans to extermination camps. Day after day he drove them, followed orders, and then returned home to eat dinner with his family. Sound hyperbolic? Not even close. I will never again ask how the Holocaust happened. Little by slowly. That’s how. It’s just two weeks to flatten the curve. It’s just a mask. It’s just a weekly test. It’s just one shot. Maybe two or 10. It’s just your mind that we want, oh...and your children too.

I remain unbroken. There have been so many stars and lighthouses along the way. I’ve connected with so many people who’ve sacrificed endless hours and resources to ease my suffering. Their willingness to take on this Goliath is a divine testament to God’s presence through all of this. East to West, North to South; complete strangers have shared their precious time consoling me when many close friends and family simply could not understand the depth of our suffering. I can’t exactly blame them, there’s no room for martyrdom on this Holy crusade. Very few can stand against this tsunami of grief. Above all, my husband and children deserve my deepest respect and gratitude in their willingness to stand with me, no matter how dark the night. They’ve been my North Star, without them, I am nothing.

To say that my family and I have endured the reverberating fallout of mandates is the understatement of the century. In spite of this, to my core, I simply cannot be complicit in one of the greatest mind control experiments in human history, nor can I contribute to my own enslavement or that of my children. This is a crime against humanity of immeasurable proportion. We the people must be vindicated, respected and upheld. The constant blows from my employer, creditors, and litany of assailants who’d rather remain desensitized and shrouded under the duplicitous promises of immunity from the government, WILL NOT DETER ME. Some might argue that perpetuating “the fight for freedom” is counter intuitive to our faith and call to action. They might say exposing “truths” just fuels discord and further polarizes the political landscape of our country. Some might argue, things will settle down. It’s not that bad. There’s always been struggle throughout history.

I’d disagree.

Those of us who question the narrative have been subject to an emotional and spiritual disenfranchisement of the greatest magnitude. We want the right to breathe, to think, and to protect our bodies as a temple of divinity. We are searching for stability and discernment of thought in between the opposition. In the end, it should always be up to each individual to surmise which truths they wish to acknowledge in pursuit of health and freedom.

It is the moral imperative of every educator, attorney, physician, nurse, and officer of law, to stare down the beast. It is their moral imperative to discern between propaganda and directives from the “Bigs” to “follow and obey”. After all, if mandates were truly enforceable, why would we ever need a legislative branch of government? It’s nonsensical. If you are in a position of authority or influence and you choose to look the other way, you might be worse than those that oppress us. Do something, ANYTHING. It doesn’t have to be grand, but if it can be done, DO IT YOU MUST. Especially the physicians as they are skilled in “the science” of things. I envision a world that synchronizes advances in health, freedom of thought, and above all, reverence for all that is beautiful in our world, without fear, without control, but with grace and love. I share my story with the intention of ending the normalization of evil. There is no question we are being systematically dehumanized. By lumping us into groups, stripping us of our dignity and justifying it as a sacrifice for the greater good, is corruption and mass manipulation at its highest level.

I’d encourage all to listen to the roar of our collective consciousness. Liberate your souls by choosing your OWN narrative that objectively formulates conclusive evidence on which path to take. Make your own health choices, claim your own freedom, climb your own summit of strength and glory. God is with you in this time of darkness. Find your star, your lighthouse; they are waiting for you. Alone, we cannot defeat these oligarchical giants, but together, we can unite our shared vision of ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.’ Without red or blue, without left or right, but with the power of Infinite Truth, Love, and Light.

— Noelle Florio


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