Cleanse your body
of toxins, heavy metals
and pollutants with the original,
nano-sized zeolite detoxifier.
Pure Body Extra is a natural way to detoxify your body of harmful heavy metals and toxins. Our proprietary cleansing process loads the zeolite with beneficial minerals so it always replaces a bad toxin with a good mineral for optimal well-being. Pure Body Extra is made from whole Clinoptilolite zeolite and pure water. It is safe and gentle enough for everyday use.
Pure Body Extra is a natural way to detoxify your body of harmful heavy metals and toxins. Our breakthrough processes created a hydrated zeolite from whole Clinoptilolite zeolite and pure water. It is safe and gentle enough for everyday use.
As heavy metals and toxins are removed, the body can function at an optimal level. Through supporting the immune system, trapping free radicals and helping to balance the body’s pH, you may find you have improved energy levels, a more restful sleep, improved focus and clarity, and an overall sense of well-being.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Obesity runs in my family. I have watched loved ones spend the last decade of their life bed-ridden due to weight. I have been heavy since high-school, and despite hard work and continuous health education, I always landed back at the same heavy weight.
I hired trainers, studied and followed countless exercise regimens, and passed whole seasons following well-researched diets. I’d spend weeks where I was weak with hunger to painstakingly lose a few pounds, only to regain everything within hours of resuming a healthy caloric intake. I gained and lost over 200 pounds in my twenties.
I was hopeless. But I also couldn’t stop trying. After the first Health Freedom Summit in April 2020, I started to study detoxing. A hair sample test revealed I was poisoned with mercury and aluminum. My body was kindly storing my toxic load away from my internal organs in fat storage deposits; once I detoxified, those were no longer needed. I lost 30 pounds and have never felt more energy. Now a year later, I’m enjoying being a size two, eating normally, and I finally have a joyful relationship with healthy food.
When I see old pictures of myself I just want to give myself a hug—and share Eddy Stone’s message with everyone! For people who have ‘hopeless’ or unexplainable health conditions: start with detoxing. Tell everyone you know to detox. And never stop detoxing. We are being poisoned, and a lot of your health challenges are not your fault. You can feel radically better than you do. Even if you think you’ve ‘tried everything,’ try this cellular detox—and I hope you find the breakthrough you deserve.
“After two years and many sleepless nights suffering through my daughter’s night terrors, horrendous tantrums, and constant, night-and-day coughing I finally discovered zeolites. We had tried steam baths, expensive cough suppressants, sleep strategies, diet restriction—but nothing was helping my innocent little girl and it was causing problems in our relationship and her productivity at school. Her teachers complained about the coughing in particular. I wasn’t getting the rest I needed to serve her or her two younger siblings. I was desperate for a solution and of course our pediatrician was useless.
Eventually I read about the link between heavy metals and inflammation/irritation. I searched for heavy metal detox solutions and discovered zeolites. It was incredibly easy to administer to my daughter who was five years old at the time—like spraying water. Within two weeks of use her coughing stopped. She hasn’t had a persistent cough since. My children and I use a zeolite spray every day and I recommend it to practically every person I meet. It’s been a life-saver for my family.
A friend of mine had very generously gifted me a bottle of Pure Body Zeolite after I shared with her my lifelong difficulties with insomnia. She did not know however that I have also been having difficulty with tinnitus for about the last 9 years, which had only been getting louder and louder. I’ve only been taking the zeolite spray for 3 weeks and already my tinnitus has lowered in decibel by about half. I have tried many herbs and supplements over the years in vain to try and help this extremely annoying condition to no avail.
I used to think that cleansing or detoxing was something that you did after the new year or in the spring but I am now convinced that daily detox is essential to good health. We are exposed to chemicals from the air we breathe from geoengineering which contains aluminum, strontium and barium, the food we eat and the water we drink and bathe in. There are supposedly “acceptable limits” for these toxins but the constant assaults on our bodies easily overwhelm us no matter how “clean” we try to eat and avoid toxic pharmaceuticals.
Another side benefit is that I have lost 5 pounds! I have a thyroid condition that has made it extremely difficult to lose weight and since I have not changed my diet or exercise routine since starting the zeolite I can only attribute it to this product. I believe it is helping to detox my thyroid gland and boost my metabolism. I will definitely continue with this easy daily detox regimen and plan on reporting back with further gains and improvements to my health.
Advanced Cellular Cleanse
Detoxes Heavy Metals
Natural Mineral, Safe for All Ages
Lab Tested for Purity
DETOXIFY WITH ZEOLITE: Cleanse your body of toxins, heavy metals and pollutants with the original, nano-sized zeolite detoxifier.
ENJOY A NATURAL DETOX: Our 100% natural liquid zeolite is purified to perfection, and non-GMO, making it the ideal support for your whole-body health.
ELIMINATE TOXINS FOR IMPROVED HEALTH: Support your body's natural immunity, restful sleep, sustained energy, clarity and focus by eliminating toxins.
EFFECTIVE CELLULAR CLEANSE: Unlike powdered zeolites, Pure Body Extra uses a unique activated hydrated zeolite optimized to reach to a cellular level.
ALL-NATURAL FULL BODY DETOX: Advanced nanotechnology ensures maximum detox benefit with just 4 taste-free sprays, 3 times a day.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.