Little Did I Know
2009 was a banner year for me. I turned 50, was in excellent health and shape. I entered my 25th year in healthcare compliance; I actively sang at church and as a backup singer in a band, something I had loved doing since the 1970s. Little did I know that my bright horizon was about to turn dark from storm clouds in the form of the “innocent” H1N1 vaccine when my employer-mandated this for all employees in November 2009.
Having “trusted the science” behind vaccines all of my life, like a good little sheep, I stepped up in line to get my H1N1 flu shot. Hours after receiving the dose, my heart was pounding; I felt tired and lethargic, with an overall general feeling of unwellness. These symptoms did not go away.
In 2010, I was diagnosed with the flu three times — Type B in February, Type A in June, and Type B again in November. I began to suspect the H1N1 flu shot was the culprit, but my doctor scoffed at that idea. He didn’t scoff at my increased visits to him for heart palpitations, joint pain, elevated blood pressure, and cholesterol with bouts of dizziness in between. Going through all of this while having no ally to help me understand what was happening to my body was very lonely.
The following six years were a nightmare. My health continued to decline. My doctor continued to treat “symptoms” but didn’t seem interested in determining the “cause” of a sudden decline in the health of a healthy 50-year-old woman. I was placed on medications for elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, anxiety, and dizziness.
I gained 40 lbs in the process while trying to discover why my health was deteriorating. One morning, I awoke with severe joint pain, as if each joint were on fire. After more testing, I was diagnosed with SLE — Systemic Lupus Erythematous and given another medication for treatment. I was at the end of my rope — no clue, no explanation, no hope.
I could no longer sing! It was discovered that my vocal cords were damaged. My cognitive function was so limited; I could no longer function effectively in my career. I had no choice but to resign from a job I loved. I came home not quite defeated but getting there very quickly.
As an investigator, I began researching holistic treatments for Lupus. To this day, I believe it to be a God “thing” that the Goldberg Tener Clinic was the first place to pop up in my search engine. They claimed to specialize in “chronic disease reversal” with an emphasis on auto-immune diseases. With a “what have I got to lose” attitude, I contacted them, set up an appointment, drove 6 ½ hours to Kennesaw, GA, with my husband. What I learned opened my eyes extraordinarily.
Dr. Goldberg and Dr. Tener helped me understand that the vaccine was likely the catalyst that triggered the cascade of symptoms I had experienced over the years, coupled with the consistent intake of medications and “comfort food.” Nutrition factors weigh heavily into how we feel daily, along with medicines, especially vaccines, that can hinder the body’s natural ability to heal.
Seven months after working with them, I was 30 lbs lighter, off of all medications, and my inflammatory markers were non-existent — meaning the progression of Lupus had been stopped and was no longer damaging my body. My blood pressure and cholesterol levels returned to normal, but my cognitive function and vocal cord issues did not return to what they were before.
Twelve years later, I chose to focus on the positive. I can no longer sing as I used to, but I still sing in the choir as long as my voice holds out. That, to me, is what saddens me the most — to lose something I loved so much. I’ve begun to focus on building my vinyl record collection (close to 700 now). Researching and appraising collections for others also brings me joy. I also began caregiving for my husband and mother.
I now share my story with all who will hear. I was one of those “question nothing” folks. Now, I question everything. If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. I’m with an outstanding primary care doctor now, who not only is my friend but supports me in my health journey 100%. When the discussion of the COVID-19 vaccine began, he and I both were on the same page — don’t do it. This so-called vaccine is the most dangerous weapon to be perpetrated on humans ever.
Editor's Note: Link to Dena's Peeps TV interview.