Day One

I will never forget the day my son was born when the nurse came in and announced that he had just received his first vaccination. I was surprised and said, “What for?” and she said for “Hepatitis B”. Having had knowledge about how the virus is transmitted and knowing that the only potential ways he could get it was from having sexual intercourse with an infected partner, eating tainted shellfish or sharing dirty IV needles, I said, “How could he possibly be at risk for that?” and she said well, “He could get it from you.” I said, well I have already had the series of vaccines for Hepatitis B since I worked in the medical field. All she said was, “Oh”.

When we came home from the hospital the next day I noticed a streak of blood in his stool. The doctor said that it was probably an allergic reaction to some formula he received in the hospital. I told him that I was breast feeding and he said well they might have given him some formula that he reacted to.

Then at his 4 month old “well baby” check up he was given the DTP vaccine regardless of the fact he had just been discharged from the hospital for having a large amount of blood in his stool. The doctors thought it might be a condition called intussusception, a medical condition in which a part of the intestine folds into the section immediately ahead of it and that he may need surgery. Shortly after the DPT injection he suffered a severe skin reaction followed by several hours of inconsolable crying. It turned out that the blood in his stool was from a severe allergic reaction to soy and dairy formula that was given to him while I was working even though I had left expressed breast milk for him to be fed. I subsequently had to quit my job so I could nurse him exclusively.

By the time my son was 5 years old he was constantly sick. He had chronic ear infections, asthmatic bronchitis, croup, pneumonia, severe food allergies ... his immune system was a mess. He was still not sleeping through the night and his sleep was significantly under the recommended number of hours for his age. Also, regardless of being extremely bright my son has struggled academically with learning differences, auditory processing difficulties and ADD his entire life. I was not surprised at all when I recently found out that when compared to unvaccinated children there is a 90% increase in ADD and learning difficulties in the vaccinated population and that 0% of the unvaccinated population suffers from autism or cancer.

I trusted the science and believed the mantra that vaccines were “safe and effective.” After many years of trying to get to the bottom of his difficulties I discovered the research behind the gut/brain connection. I now believe my son was vaccine injured on day one of his life. It is clear to me now that they do not want you to know what your child is like without a vaccine in them and that the idea of giving a newborn a toxic laden vaccine is insane. If I had one redo in life and had true informed consent and knew what I know now, I would have done things much, much differently. Parents need to know the truth and the risks they are putting their children at by following the CDC schedule. We all need to stand up and demand that the 1986 National Vaccine Injury Act be repealed that protects pharmaceutical companies and vaccine makers from liability and protect the health of our children over medical mandates and profits of big pharma.


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